Founded in 2006 PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center made the entire month of October Bullying Awareness Month.
During this month we prevent childhood bullying as well as promoting kindness, acceptance, and inclusion!
During this month The Be Nice Program highly encourages our members and community to particapte in Unity Day, hosted by PACER's NBPC. On this day we will wear orange to help so unity that we are in this to end childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. This event will be held on October 21, 2020, if you do not have orange in your closet do not fear PACER's NBPC sells orange shirts where part of the proceeds go back to them to help provide more resources. Being a victim of bullying twice now this day is super important to me and would mean the world to me if you helped take part.
Make sure you follow me on Instagram @missromot or on Facebook @TheBeNiceProgram to receive updates on Unity Day!